Exceptional Welsh dancer and choreographer Liam Riddick trained at London Contemporary Dance School, was a member of Richard Alston Dance Company for 8 years and BalletBoyz, winning the Best Male Dancer (Dancing Times Award) at the Critics’ Circle National Dance Awards in 2017. Liam presents Murmurations, his first work for Ballet Cymru to music by Welsh legend Charlotte Church.
Coreograffi a Dehongli/Choreography & Interpretation
Liam Riddick
Charlotte Church
Giwsgoedd Gan/Costume
Liam Riddick
Cynllunio Goleuo/Lighting Design
Chris Illingworth
Ballet Cymru acknowledges support from
All Photos Copyright Siân Trenberth unless otherwise stated
Charity No. 1000855 Registered in England and Wales as Gwent Ballet Theatre Ltd. 02535169.
Registered office address: Ballet Cymru, Unit 1, Wern Trading Estate, Rogerstone, Newport NP10 9FQ Wales UK