Dance Agent for Change


Introducing Tonia, our new Dance Agent for Change

Headshot of Tonia, Dance Agent for Change
Tonia, Ballet Cymru's Dance Agent for Change (c) Owen James Vincent

Ballet Cymru are delighted to confirm that from 27 November 2023,  Tonia will take on this brand new role for the company, advocating for disabled dancers and inclusion in dance.

Tonia started dancing at the age of 2 and experienced a range of dance styles including ballet, before her disability developed at the age of 14.

(c) Owen James Vincent

Despite acute and often life threatening medical conditions, Tonia taught herself to move again, defying expectations to re-join the world of dance.

Tonia joined the Ballet Cymru Associate Programme in the year 2021-22, completed the Pre professional Programme 2022-23, and now continues her development as a dancer, choreographer and educator with Ballet Cymru in this new role.

A dancer is bending backwards over a wheelchair. She is wearing a red skit, white top and has long black hair. She is in a dance studio on a white floor with barres behind her.
Tonia, Ballet Cymru's Dance Agent for Change

 “When I first joined Ballet Cymru in 2021 I was welcomed and included, and Ballet Cymru really inspired me to help others with similar situations. With Ballet Cymru’s continued support, I can demonstrate that people with disabilities can also dance and can progress in professional world of ballet.”

Tonia, Dance Agent for Change at Ballet Cymru


Tonia has performed professionally on stage, choreographed numerous works, led workshops in schools and in the community and is currently delivering weekly sessions for Ballet Cymru 3, the company’s new inclusive youth group.

A dancer is sitting on stage looking to one side, wearing black and under dramatic stage lighting with a dark blue background. Her hair is tied back.
Tonia, Ballet Cymru's Dance Agent for Change

 ‘We are delighted that Tonia will be our Dance Agent for Change. She has already produced outstanding work through her determination and passion to dance, and we can’t wait to see Tonia excel in her new role!”

Amy Doughty, Ballet Cymru’s Artistic Director, Engagement & Training

Opportunities to Widen Access and Engagement in Ballet and Dance


7 children are holding hands with 2 x dancers to form a circle. one is in a wheelchair and the others are standing on 1 or 2 legs. They are in a large white dance studio with mirrors.
Ballet Cymru's Flagship Inclusive Youth Dance group, Ballet Cymru 3.

Tonia is seeking ways and opportunities to widen access and engagement in ballet and dance, and to work with communities in reaching out to disabled people who have the potential to dance. Tonia  will be taking performance into the community to demonstrate the possibilities of inclusion in dance.

For more details, contact Tonia, Dance Agent for Change: or call 01633 892927.

Exclusive screening of ‘Stigma’ a film by Tonia at Ballet Cymru’s Festive Fundraiser on Sunday 3 December 2023

A dancer wearing black is sitting on a chair in a large studio with a white wall behind her. A close up of 1 side of her face appears in front. The image is black and white.with the words in red 'Stigma'.
Stigma by Tonia, Dance Agent for Change Ballet Cymru

Tonia was commissioned by Ballet Cymru to create Stigma, a short dance film screening on Ballet Cymru’s Digital Stage , which Tonia, wrote, choreographed and performed. It sends a strong message about inclusion and isolation, and the feelings we may experience in life, but in different ways.

We are delighted to launch an exclusive preview of Tonia’s film at Ballet Cymru’s Festive Fundraiser Event on Sunday 3 December 2023. Come and watch the film and also enjoy performances by the company dancers and Pre-Professional dancers, with festive treats offered to guests.

All proceeds from the event will go towards the Ballet Cymru 3 flagship inclusive dance programme.

Book your FREE place here: Ballet Cymru’s Festive Fundraiser

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